The Frosted Crown is a bakery based in Cupertino. We work hard to hand-bake your treats with love, and always put a package of time, effort, and care into each one. Our mission statement is to create not just dessert, but memories in every bite. Because here at the Crown, we believe in connecting people through sugar. Doesn't that sound amazing? We can make it happen!

Shop our newest desserts!

We like to experiment with different treats weekly, based on trends, challenges, and curiosity! Freshly made, these are selections of our most recent dessertsโ€”why not check them out, and if you want to let us know you like them, or have suggestions for new ideas, contact us!

White Chocolate Cakepops

Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge

Signature Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hand Baked with organic ingredients, from the oven to your mouth.

This video shows our experimentation process for when we add new items to our menu, from the first step to the final treat. However when we are baking your order, we use gloves, hairnets, and apronsโ€ฆdesserts are nice, but hairless desserts are even better!

3 Ways to Shop 

This Website!

Shop our website for treats! You can add a few things to cart, and enjoy the free shipping, delivered to your door.

In-Person Sales!

Along with orders, we also go door-to-door and sell treats in varied neighborhoods twice a month! If you would like to have us sell at yours, check out our contact page!


The Frosted Crown can customize orders to your preferences! And if you donโ€™t find what you're looking for in the shop, head to our contact page to place a custom order!

Our Frosted Blog

Experience every step as we experiment with new recipes to travel from our oven to your mouth! Read our journal to learn the recorded baking processโ€ฆhow we solve problems, add substitute ingredients, and decorate in creative ways to make our desserts more varied and delicious for everyone!